Halblange Turga - Parsnips
pa60 (Pastinaca sativa)
Long, yellow-white roots and strong foliage. Frost hardy, can remain in ground until spring. Monitor for mouse damage. Close sowing will result in many thin roots, but too much space between plants can lead to the flesh becoming spongy.
Sowing calendar
ProSpecieRara: This variety has been awarded by ProSpecieRara as a rare or old variety. ProSpecieRara is a foundation dedicated to preserving the diversity of rare plant varieties. In long-term cooperation with ProSpecieRara, Sativa is active in the important preservation and cultivation of these traditional varieties.
Primed seeds: During priming, the germination process is activated for faster and more uniform emergence. The priming effect is only maintained for a few weeks. This seed should be stored cool (approx. 5°C), dry and dark. The primed seeds in our range are primed using a biocompatible technique.
Seed tape (portion content: 1 seed tape of 5m): This item is available in a special form for simple gardening. Here the seeds are fixed at appropriate distances between two thin pieces of carrier paper. To sow, this is then buried directly in the ground. The annoying job of separating or pricking out seedlings is no longer necessary. Whatever the variety, there are models for balcony planters, pots, or a row seeder.