Cornflower 'Blauer Junge' - Annual flowers
b119 (Centaurea cyanus)
Centaurea cyanus ('Blue Boy'), annual, if sown in autumn biennial and flowering the following summer, in field and garden. Undemanding, good for cutting. Excellent food plant for bees. Ca. 80-120 cm
Sowing calendar
ProSpecieRara: This variety has been awarded by ProSpecieRara as a rare or old variety. ProSpecieRara is a foundation dedicated to preserving the diversity of rare plant varieties. In long-term cooperation with ProSpecieRara, Sativa is active in the important preservation and cultivation of these traditional varieties.
Bee-friendly: This plant has a good nectar or pollen supply, which is especially good for honey and wild bees, as well as other pollinating insects. There are 500 different kinds of wild bees alone. Some crops are best approached by specialists, others by generalists.